ropensci / bib2df

Parse a BibTeX file to a tibble
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`as_data_frame()` was deprecated in tibble 2.0.0.Y #58

Open rkoenker opened 11 months ago

rkoenker commented 11 months ago

You probably have already seen this, but if not: I'm getting: Warning messages: 1: as_data_frame() was deprecated in tibble 2.0.0. ℹ Please use as_tibble() (with slightly different semantics) to convert to a tibble, or to convert to a data frame. ℹ The deprecated feature was likely used in the bib2df package. Please report the issue to the authors. This warning is displayed once every 8 hours. Call lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings() to see where this warning was generated. 2: In bib2df_tidy(bib, separate_names) : NAs introduced by coercion

giabaio commented 11 months ago

Can you produce a more structure example for where you've seen this problem?

rkoenker commented 11 months ago

I thought that the warning was fairly clear: Somewhere in bib2df_tidy you need to change as_data_frame to

giabaio commented 11 months ago

bib2df_tidydoesn't callas_data_frame` at all... I will look into this later, though.

giabaio commented 11 months ago

I actually couldn't reproduce this. Using

other attached packages:
[1] bib2df_1.1.2.0

the test based on

bib2df(system.file("extdata", "bib2df_testfile_3.bib", package = "bib2df"))

doesn't produce any error/warning. What was the actual code you were using when you get the warning?

rkoenker commented 11 months ago

I get the same warning I reported earlier with your test, I'm running bib2df_1.1.1 though, which is the version on CRAN

giabaio commented 11 months ago

Can you please try to update to the newest version


and see if this persists? (It shouldn't...)

rkoenker commented 11 months ago

Yes, that is fine with the new version, but you can't expect users to know about versions on GitHub. You should submit a new version to CRAN.

SimonGreenhill commented 10 months ago

yes, it was fixed 3 years ago -- can we get a new release on CRAN please?