ropensci / bibtex

bibtex parser for R
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Orphaned on CRAN #28

Closed ms609 closed 1 year ago

ms609 commented 3 years ago

I see that this package has recently become listed on CRAN as orphaned – which is a real shame as I use it often. Is this a temporary blip or has maintenance of the package been discontinued?

llrs commented 3 years ago

Maybe the problem is with the email, as the description on the Github points to which doesn't seem to exists any longer.

coatless commented 3 years ago

@ms609 temporary. rOpenSci is adopting the package. Would you like to join the effort?

ms609 commented 3 years ago

Thanks, @ropensci! I wish I had enough capacity to offer to help out.

ShixiangWang commented 3 years ago

Is there a solution to put it back to CRAN, many R packages will be dropped due to its status "Orphaned on CRAN". 😭

sckott commented 3 years ago

@coatless has taken over and should be submitting a new version soon i think?

coatless commented 3 years ago

Howdy folks, CRAN wants all rchk errors taken care of prior to re-listing. The source for bibtex is a bit large in C. So, it's taking a bit longer than I had anticipated. There are a few rchk errors still.

We should have a candidate that CRAN accepts shortly.

duckmayr commented 2 years ago

@coatless I may have a project soon that depends on bibtex and would be happy to lend a hand on getting this back in full status on CRAN, though I wouldn't have time to help out until the end of the month

Feel free to let me know what would help / where you need folks to pitch in!

dieghernan commented 2 years ago

+1 I think I can also help a little bit on this

dieghernan commented 2 years ago

Cross posted

Hi, Diego Hernangómez speaking, developer of {cffr}. I would like to know the current status of {bibtex}, as it is still orphaned on CRAN with no changes on the source code on the last 14 months. Recently I was updating cffr for incorporating bibtex support and I ended up developing a clon of bibtex on a few lines of base R:

@maelle @sckott @mwmclean (RefManageR, reverse dependency)


On the same thread @mwmclean made me aware of rbibutils. Both bibtex and rbibutils are true bibtex readers, and now I feel that I was too naive proposing a solution…

dieghernan commented 2 years ago

Still I would like to request write access to the repo, @maelle

coatless commented 2 years ago

Why not start with a PR first?

dieghernan commented 2 years ago

I planned to start on a new branch and agree the changes. For me it is ok to start with a PR, but the first thing to do IMHO is to create a full test suite for the package in its current state, ideally based on snapshot testing (testthat 3.0)

I would work on that first while improving my proposal on my fork if you agree

coatless commented 2 years ago

Sounds great! I assume you want to continue the discussion in #45?

dieghernan commented 2 years ago

Yeah, don't want to clutter this issue, I think is better this way so I can also expand better the proposal

coatless commented 1 year ago

Package is back on CRAN with a new bibtex parser written by @dieghernan !

maelle commented 1 year ago

:tada: Thanks and congrats @coatless @dieghernan!