ropensci / bibtex

bibtex parser for R
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oldrel testthat snapshot differences #48

Open coatless opened 1 year ago

coatless commented 1 year ago

Looks like there is an underlying change in one of the string functions used between R 4.1 and R 4.2 causing the oldrel action to error during the unit testing portion:

─ Failure (test-examples.R:53:3): Read graphics ───────────────────────────────
Snapshot of `bib` has changed:
old[5:18] vs new[5:18]
  "and Methods_, 1025-1041."
  "Friendly M (1982). \"Graphical methods for categorical data.\" _SAS User"
- "Group International Conference Proceedings_, 190-200."
+ "Group International Conference Proceedings_, 190-200. <URL:"
- "<>."
+ ">."
  "Meyer D, Zeileis A, Hornik K (2005). \"The strucplot framework:"
  "Visualizing multi-way contingency tables with vcd.\" Department of"
  "Statistics and Mathematics, Wirtschaftsuniversität, Wien. Report 22,"
- "Research Report Series,"
+ "Research Report Series, <URL:"
- "<>."
+ ">."
  "Chambers JM, Cleveland WS, Kleiner B, Tukey PA (1983). _Graphical"
  "Methods for Data Analysis_. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole."

old[29:36] vs new[29:36]
  "Friendly M (1994). \"A fourfold display for 2 by 2 by k tables.\" York"
- "University, Psychology Department. Technical Report 217,"
+ "University, Psychology Department. Technical Report 217, <URL:"
- "<>."
+ ">."
  "Murrell PR (1999). \"Layouts: A mechanism for arranging plots on a"
  "page.\" _Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics_, 121-134."

old[45:52] vs new[45:52]
  "Friendly M (1994). \"Mosaic displays for multi-way contingency tables.\""
  "_Journal of the American Statistical Association_, 190-200."
- "Friendly M (????). \"The home page of Michael Friendly.\""
+ "Friendly M (????). \"The home page of Michael Friendly.\" <URL:"
- "<>."
+ ">."
  "Cleveland WS (1985). _The elements of graphing data_. Wadsworth,"
  "Monterey, CA, USA."

old[65:72] vs new[65:72]
  "_The American Statistician_, 303-305."
  "Blanc C, Schlick C (1995). \"X-splines : A Spline Model Designed for the"
- "End User.\" In _Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 95_, [377]("
+ "End User.\" In _Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 95_, 377-386. <URL:"
- "<>."
+ ">."
  "Murrell P (1998). _Investigations in Graphical Statistics_. Ph.D."
  "thesis, The University of Auckland."