ropensci / coder

Classification of Cases into Deterministic Categories
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Package check notes #113

Closed eribul closed 4 years ago

eribul commented 4 years ago

I got the following notes about example time and file size when I ran check on my local Windows machine:

     installed size is 37.0Mb
     sub-directories of 1Mb or more:
       Meta   8.0Mb
       R      3.0Mb
       data   3.0Mb
       doc   10.0Mb
       help   5.0Mb
       html   2.0Mb
   Examples with CPU (user + system) or elapsed time > 5s
              user system elapsed
   codebooks  1.39   2.53   57.08
   codebook   1.39   2.41   59.13
   categorize 0.23   1.05   22.28
   classify   0.13   0.28    7.01
eribul commented 4 years ago

I was not able to reproduce this, neither locally, nor by the GitHub actions set up for Windws, Mac and Ubunto. I close the issue for now without any further action.