ropensci / datapack

An R package to handle data packages
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Add print method for a DataPackage #71

Closed gothub closed 7 years ago

gothub commented 7 years ago

The DataPackage S4 object currently does not have a method to print the object, e.g. to the console. This method will print a summary of a DataPackage.

gothub commented 7 years ago

Added a 'show' method for the DataPackage class that is the default method that is called to view the contents of an S4 class. This provides an overview of the package contents. More detailed info can be viewed for each DataObject by using the DataObject 'show' method. Here is the output for an example DataPackage:

> dp

identifier format          submitter       rightsHolder    mediaType       filename             size       
scidataId  text/csv        smith           smith           NA              NA                   11         
scimetaId  eml://...-2.1.1 smith           smith           NA              NA                   716        
urn...cfb5 text/csv        smith           smith           NA              file3509163e759c.csv 59         


  subject                predicate             object                        
4 "execution1"           "prov:used"           "scidataId"                   
1 "scimetaId"            "cito:documents"      "file3509163e759c.csv"        
2 "file3509163e759c.csv" "cito:isDocumentedBy" "scimetaId"                   
3 "file3509163e759c.csv" "prov:wasDerivedFrom" "scidataId"                   
5 "file3509163e759c.csv" "prov:wasGeneratedBy" "execution1"                  
6 "urn:uuid:abcd"        "prov:startedAt"      "Wed Mar 18 06:26:44 PDT 2015"

Added in commit aa5c32a843174427c2daf7aac193e0bd4a7a5ed1

gothub commented 7 years ago

No other comments on this, so closing