ropensci / datapack

An R package to handle data packages
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Add 'show' method for DataObject #73

Closed gothub closed 7 years ago

gothub commented 7 years ago

Added a 'show' method for the DataObject class that gives a summary of the contents of the object (similar to str, but with data values). Here is the output printed to the R console for a sample DataObject:

> doOut
  identifer               : urn:uuid:4305b0e7-eb75-4e90-a6c3-fe103feccfb5 
  submitter               : smith                          
  rightHolder             : smith                          
  access policy:
    subject                                                                permission                                                                 
    uid=smith,ou=Account,dc=example,dc=com                                 write                                                                      
    uid=wiggens,o=unaffiliated,dc=example,dc=org                           changePermission                                                           
  suggested fileName      : file3509163e759c.csv           
  formatId                : text/csv                       
  mediaType               : NA                             
  size                    : 59                             
  checksum                : d1ef3cc8a77cf4e5f9a95d05223214ca7f74dc83 
  checksumAlgorithm       : SHA-1                          
  seriesId                : NA                             
  serialVersion           : 1                              
  replicationAllowed      : TRUE                           
  numberReplicas          : 3                              
  obsoletes               : NA                             
  obsoletedBy             : NA                             
  archived                : FALSE                          
  dateUploaded            : NA                             
  dateSysMetadataModified : 2017-02-14T20:15:42Z           
  originMemberNode        : urn:node:KNB                   
  authoritativeMemberNode : urn:node:KNB                   
  filename                : /var/folders/zb/y107bkgx6l90vc199ff_zx2r0000gn/T//RtmpDgSFa9/file3509163e759c.csv 

Added in commit b97e57fa517c4e852d23ec6e7fded6c0c775b59f

gothub commented 7 years ago

No other comments on this, so closing