ropensci / datapack

An R package to handle data packages
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Add method to select a package member #75

Closed gothub closed 7 years ago

gothub commented 7 years ago

Given a DataPackage, it is currently very difficult to select a package member, essentially requiring manual inspection to determine the identifier of the package member of interest.

For example, if I have downloaded a DataPackage via getDataPackage(), I can manually use the show() method to view the package and visually determine which member I need for some operation, but there is no easy programmatic way to select a member.

The selectMember() function would provide the ability to select a package member or members based on info from the member slots (sysmeta, data (maybe), filename, dataURL, state). In addition the package metadata object might be searched for info about the members (have to evaluate how difficult, reliable this would be).

When matching members are found, their identifiers would be returned.

gothub commented 7 years ago

selectMember() added in commit 25f553592f5c4eb66d25cc02ff5cf071c2a27c54