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rOpenSci Development Roadmap
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Use github Projects to track this? #3

Open cboettig opened 7 years ago

sckott commented 7 years ago

thanks for the issue Carl, what do you mean exactly by "track this"? - do you mean each package or higher level topic gets a card, then move it through the stages?

cboettig commented 7 years ago

Yes, exactly - was thinking columns would be stages, and a card for each package (or each package release).

Stages might reflect something like the "6 week cycles" discussed on Slack the other day; e.g. in this 6-week (or maybe 3-mo) session, here's the packages on deck; all others maybe on the roadmap but only for another cycle. An individual 6-week cycle might focus on a common theme or themes, e.g. 'biodiversity', or 'bug-fix-only', etc. Just brainstorming here, not trying to dictate. @richfitz probably has some better ideas.

Might be worth talking to @jimhester and other tidyverse folks about how they pace development cycles too?