ropensci / elastic

R client for the Elasticsearch HTTP API
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Connecting to AWS ES - 404 Error #157

Closed nelsonSchwarz closed 7 years ago

nelsonSchwarz commented 7 years ago

I cannot seem to connect to Elasticsearch on Amazon Web Services. I keep getting this error

Error: 404 - no such index ES stack trace: type: index_not_found_exception reason: no such index resource.type: index_or_alias index:

when I use this:

connect(es_host = aws_endpoint, es_port = 80, errors = "complete") ping()

To spare redundancy, please see full issue here:

How do I establish an approriate connection between R and AWS ES?

nelsonSchwarz commented 7 years ago

Solved it: connect(es_host = aws_endpoint, es_port = 80, errors = "complete", es_path = "") es_path must be specified as empty string. Using NULL does not work.

sckott commented 7 years ago

thanks for the issue and the PR

nelsonSchwarz commented 7 years ago

No, thank you for the package!