ropensci / elastic

R client for the Elasticsearch HTTP API
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docs_bulk() - Rgui 3.4 ok. RGui 3.6 argument x is missing with no default #258

Closed symdeb closed 5 years ago

symdeb commented 5 years ago


Just follows the example instructions on Rgui 3.4 (Microsoft) and RGUI 3.6 gives different results.

sckott commented 5 years ago

Sorry, that's an older tutorial. Look at the docs here instead

symdeb commented 5 years ago

Going to the opensci main webpage and following the tutorial link, then this will direct to the old "0.8.0" tutorial I mentioned and not the newer one. Understandably, incumbent users may not have a problem with this, but would suggest to update the main page to update the links. It's confusing for new users of R and elastic as myself. I could not find the new API call method using "x" even by by googling before I posted the message above. BTW I am using elastic 7.0.1 in a local instance with docker which works fine for queries using Kibana , Head etc.. Now trying connect R and ES.

I definitely must be missing something obvious because with the new tutorial both versions of R don't work Capture

The error on both is : Error in docs_bulk(x, plosdat) : object 'x' not found It's not clear from the tutorial how to create x, perhaps some steps are missing ?

symdeb commented 5 years ago

Figured it out . The statement in the tutorial(s) should be x <- connect(port = 9200). (Yep, assume lots of folks with laugh at this post... ~~~ /LOL /XD /FUNNY)

sckott commented 5 years ago

cleared it up in the readme, fixing the website now