ropensci / elastic

R client for the Elasticsearch HTTP API
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Functions not compatible with ES 7.2 #259

Closed paliwal90 closed 4 years ago

paliwal90 commented 4 years ago

Hi, after moving to Elastic 7.2 new version, when I use your package, some queries e.g. Search and count are not behaving as it was with earlier version. For e.g. count(index = INDEX_NAME, q="column1:value1") works fine.

But count(index = INDEX_NAME, q="column1:value1 and column2:value2") does not work good. Is AND not compatible? Also aggregations queries doesn't work both in Search and count.

paliwal90 commented 4 years ago

Also track_total_hits is not working with Search. In elasticsearch GET query e.g. says that it should return total hits (not just 1000 and gte relation). But from your R package, in Search query, it doesn't work.

sckott commented 4 years ago

thanks @paliwal90 please also share the output of sessionInfo() when elastic is loaded

sckott commented 4 years ago

@paliwal90 please share sessionInfo() when elastic is loaded - or else i won't be able to help

paliwal90 commented 4 years ago

Well. Made it work. Needed to change search with new param.