ropensci / elastic

R client for the Elasticsearch HTTP API
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Scroll and ignore version #281

Closed rfsaldanha closed 3 years ago

rfsaldanha commented 3 years ago

I'm getting this error when connect has ignore_version = TRUE and try to use scroll:

Error in extractr(ver, "[[:digit:]]+")[[1]] : índice fora de limites

Reproducible example:

conn <- connect(host = "", 
                transport_schema = "https", path = "",  port = "",
                user = "imunizacao_public", 
                pwd = "qlto5t&7r_@+#Tlstigi", 
                ignore_version = TRUE)

res <- Search(conn, index = index_name, asdf = TRUE, size = 10000, time_scroll = "30m")

res2 <- scroll(conn, res$`_scroll_id`, asdf = TRUE)
sckott commented 3 years ago

if you'd like i can re-open this PR you opened ?

rfsaldanha commented 3 years ago

Thank you! No need, I created a new pull request on master #282