ropensci / elastic

R client for the Elasticsearch HTTP API
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how to specify "curl --insecure" for encryption with unregistered root certs #286

Closed tedmoorman closed 2 years ago

tedmoorman commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to connect to a server with Elastic Search. This can be done in a linux terminal with the following script: curl --insecure -XGET https://user:pwd@host:9200/ . When I use transport_schema = "http" in the connect function, I get an "empty reply from server" error. When I use transport_schema = "https", I get a "Peer's Certificate issuer is not recognized" error. My IT people are telling me that this is because there is encryption but the root certs are not registered. Is there a way to specify this "--insecure" option in the connect function?

tedmoorman commented 2 years ago

I think I figured it out. ssl_verifypeer = FALSE seems to do the trick.

sckott commented 2 years ago

yep, that's it 👍🏽