ropensci / elastic

R client for the Elasticsearch HTTP API
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How to pass verify_certs=False #293

Open ilang6 opened 1 year ago

ilang6 commented 1 year ago


I have a question I'm trying to connect to ElasticSearch and need to pass a verify_certs=False. But I don't understand where I need to input the command in the connect command.

Can please help with that?

sckott commented 1 year ago

see - the http library is crul under the hood, you should be able to set that with crul::set_opts(<some curl options>)

maelle commented 1 year ago

For info this package is looking for a new maintainer cf #292 :smile_cat:

Banjio commented 1 year ago

@ilang6 did the comment from sckott help you? Can this ticket be closed?