ropensci / elastic

R client for the Elasticsearch HTTP API
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docs_bulk_create.list #294

Closed blosloos closed 1 year ago

blosloos commented 1 year ago

Dear ropensci/elastic maintainer

Thanks a lot for keeping this package functional - its a great help for interfacing R with elasticsearch!

I was in need to ingest an R list object into elasticsearch, and by extracting chuncks of your elastic source code it worked. Thus, I was wondering why there is no method docs_bulk_create.list exported by your package, but solely one for data.frames? Any obstacle in other elastic functions/methods that I missed for applying to class list? Thanks ...

sckott commented 1 year ago

i don't remember why we only suppored data.frame's - if you want lists supported the only way to make it happen is if you send a PR - i don't have time to write any new code on this

blosloos commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your reply, I totally understand. I will check if I can find some time to work on a PR for list processing.