ropensci / emld

:package: JSON-LD representation of EML
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Bump version, add authors, update NEWS #51

Closed mbjones closed 4 years ago

mbjones commented 4 years ago

Bumped version to 0.4.0 to prep for CRAN release. Also added @mbjones and @amoeba as authors, and regenerated docs.

cboettig commented 4 years ago

Thanks @mbjones this is perfect.

Just a quick question on submission timing -- we still have an outstanding issue that I think validation fails if there is no xsi:schemaLocation given, which is of course not correct since that element is optional, but I don't think it's covered in the test case. We don't actually use the schemaLocation copy to do the validation itself, we use a local copy, but the current code parses that field merely to see if it should validate against a submodule (e.g. dataset.xsd) or the full eml.xsd. Should we fix that before we send this off to CRAN? (I've been meaning to take a stab at it but haven't been able to block out the time!) see issue #44