ropensci / eph

Herramientas para procesamiento de la base usuaria de la EPH
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update reference #53

Closed DiegoKoz closed 9 months ago

DiegoKoz commented 12 months ago

The references on the zenodo and the readme should include @caropradier

We currently have:

    Diego Kozlowski, Pablo Tiscornia, Guido Weksler, German Rosati and Natsumi Shokida (2020). eph: Argentina's Permanent Household Survey Data and Manipulation Utilities. R package version

Si necesitás la entrada bib:

``` bib

    title = {eph: Argentina's Permanent Household Survey Data and Manipulation Utilities},
    author = {Diego Kozlowski and Pablo Tiscornia and Guido Weksler and German Rosati and Natsumi Shokida},
    year = {2020},
    doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3462677},
    url = {},

I think we need to add the latest version of the package to zenodo for that (maybe that's done with a new github release )

Not 100% sure how authorship on code work, but probably the mantainer should be the first author.