ropensci / iheatmapr

Complex, interactive heatmaps in R
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textangle messes-up the row or column labels #101

Open oolonek opened 11 months ago

oolonek commented 11 months ago

First of all many thanks for this great package !

The example below illustrates this (textangle messes-up the row or column labels)

When no textangle is specified (tutorial code)

data(measles, package = "iheatmapr")

main_heatmap(measles, name = "Measles<br>Cases", x_categorical = FALSE,
             layout = list(font = list(size = 8))) %>%
  add_col_groups(ifelse(1930:2001 < 1961,"No","Yes"),
                  side = "bottom", name = "Vaccine<br>Introduced?",
                  title = "Vaccine?",
                  colors = c("lightgray","blue")) %>%
  add_col_labels(ticktext = seq(1930,2000,10),font = list(size = 8)) %>%
  add_row_labels(size = 0.3,font = list(size = 6)) %>% 
  add_col_summary(layout = list(title = "Average<br>across<br>states"),
                  yname = "summary")  %>%                 
  add_col_title("Measles Cases from 1930 to 2001", side= "top") %>%
  add_row_summary(groups = TRUE, 
                  type = "bar",
                  layout = list(title = "Average<br>per<br>year",
                                font = list(size = 8)))

We get a correctly aligned row labels.


When we specify a given textangle, here 20, the row labels are no longer evenly distributed.

main_heatmap(measles, name = "Measles<br>Cases", x_categorical = FALSE,
             layout = list(font = list(size = 8))) %>%
  add_col_groups(ifelse(1930:2001 < 1961,"No","Yes"),
                  side = "bottom", name = "Vaccine<br>Introduced?",
                  title = "Vaccine?",
                  colors = c("lightgray","blue")) %>%
  add_col_labels(ticktext = seq(1930,2000,10),font = list(size = 8)) %>%
  add_row_labels(size = 0.3,font = list(size = 6), textangle = 20) %>% 
  add_col_summary(layout = list(title = "Average<br>across<br>states"),
                  yname = "summary")  %>%                 
  add_col_title("Measles Cases from 1930 to 2001", side= "top") %>%
  add_row_summary(groups = TRUE, 
                  type = "bar",
                  layout = list(title = "Average<br>per<br>year",
                                font = list(size = 8)))


It looks like the spacing problem is more important for longer labels.

My understanding is that the rotation of the label is made using the center of the label.

➡️ Ideally, the end of the label (when the row_labels are on the left or col_labels on the bottom) or the beginning of the label (when the row_labels are on the right or col_labels on the top) should be used.

Would there be a way to fix this ?

alanocallaghan commented 8 months ago

Seems we need an option to set h/vjust