ropensci / iheatmapr

Complex, interactive heatmaps in R
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show_colorbar not working #32

Closed slfan2013 closed 5 years ago

slfan2013 commented 5 years ago

It seems these two codes provide identical result?

main_heatmap(Indometh_patient_cor,name = "Correlation")%>%add_main_heatmap(Indometh_matrix,name = "Indometacin<br>Concentration", show_colorbar = FALSE)


main_heatmap(Indometh_patient_cor,name = "Correlation")%>%add_main_heatmap(Indometh_matrix,name = "Indometacin<br>Concentration", show_colorbar = TRUE)

Possible reason:

new_plot <- new("MainHeatmap", xaxis = "x", yaxis = yname, colorbar = name, show_colorbar = TRUE, data = data, text = text, tooltip = tooltip)

The code of show_colorbar is always set to be TRUE within the add_main_heatmap function.

AliciaSchep commented 5 years ago

Yup, thanks for identifying the source of issue... have pushed a fix to the issue. Not sure yet when that would get updated on cran, might try to get a couple fixes/updates in before a re-release. Until then would need to use github version for correct behavior.