ropensci / iheatmapr

Complex, interactive heatmaps in R
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Can we combine the plots? #37

Open dasiav7 opened 5 years ago

dasiav7 commented 5 years ago

Hi, Can we make the subplots like plots in the link down below? Not just add_subplot but combine multiple(or two) main_heatmaps "vertically"

mschilli87 commented 5 years ago

@dasiav7: The link you inclued points to instead of

dasiav7 commented 5 years ago

@mschilli87 Thank you so much for your correction!

AliciaSchep commented 5 years ago

Not as in the link, but you can add heatmaps vertically... you have to specify the orientation = "vertical" in the initial call to main_heatmap. Then add_main_heatmap will add a heatmap vertically instead of horizontally. Does not allow for making a grid of heatmaps though... either can orient things horizontally (the default) or vertically.

dasiav7 commented 5 years ago

Thank you @AliciaSchep ! But if I already added one main heatmap horizontally, I can't add another vertical main heatmap, right? I just tried and got three horizontal heatmaps without any warning and error.