Closed Tomer-Tsaban closed 5 years ago
Very delayed, but I figured out the issue: The 'webshot' library is needed but the app doesn't know that (it is just a 'Suggests' of iheatmapr and not an imports b/c only needed if you want to save). Webshot also needs to install phantomjs. If you add a call to
in your app it will fix the issue... see
Am adding a note to the documentation of save_iheatmap
about this use case.
Hi Alicia, and first much gratitude for your help and high responsiveness.
I noticed (what I think is) a bug, when downloading a static instance of iheatmapr - works for a local shiny app, but not on when uploaded to server.
here's an example reproducible code for a simple app using measles data. also, here's a link to the same exact app on my shinyappsio user, where you could observe the download issue: url:
code: `library(shiny) library(iheatmapr) data(measles, package = "iheatmapr")
ui<-fluidPage( iheatmaprOutput("test"), downloadButton("download_test","download_heatmap") )
I assumed you would like to know about this. Thanks again!