ropensci / iheatmapr

Complex, interactive heatmaps in R
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Heatmap rounds off values >1000, showing incorrect values in tooltip #57

Closed tanrahman234 closed 4 years ago

tanrahman234 commented 4 years ago

The heatmap seems to round off values >1000,leading to incorrect values being shown in the tooltip. PFA screenshots bug_heatmapr.docx

AliciaSchep commented 4 years ago

The default for the text for tooltips is text = signif(data, digits = 3) so yeah it does rounding. You can pass it the exact data if you don't want the rounding. I'd also consider changing that default so that it only rounds decimal points (I don't think it's great to show 0.8304394739471 in a toolip, but I can see that rounding big numbers might also be undesirable, e.g. 1001.213213 should be 1001.21 instead of 1000)

tanrahman234 commented 4 years ago

That works. Thanks!