ropensci / iheatmapr

Complex, interactive heatmaps in R
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gridlines #61

Open AliciaSchep opened 4 years ago

AliciaSchep commented 4 years ago

From email:

"I am using iheatmapr in one of my project. I am stuck with giving grid lines to the chart below. I have tried various methods but no luck."

AliciaSchep commented 4 years ago

I think gridlines should in theory be possible by setting the layout property showgrid = TRUE for both x and y axes, but currently the modify_layout function doesn't enable actually modifying the x or y axis layouts.... that should probably be fixed (not sure yet if the gridlines will look as they should though).

AliciaSchep commented 4 years ago

A fix to enable modifying layout for x and y axes is pretty easy, but does not resolve this issue. Gridlines get hidden by heatmap but it seems like maybe there is another way to specify.