ropensci / jqr

R interface to jq
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jqr in CentOS8 : * rpm: jq-devel (Fedora, EPEL) EXist? #83

Open GGerProg opened 3 years ago

GGerProg commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to install jqr in my centOS8 VM and this is the result:

trying URL ''
Content type 'application/octet-stream' length 411600 bytes (401 KB)
downloaded 401 KB

* installing *source* package ‘jqr’ ...
** package ‘jqr’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked
** using staged installation
Using PKG_LIBS=-ljq
------------------------- ANTICONF ERROR ---------------------------
Configuration failed because libjq was not found.
On Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04 you can use the PPA:
  sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:opencpu/jq
  sudo apt-get update
  sudo apt-get install libjq-dev
On other sytems try installing:
 * deb: libjq-dev (Debian, Ubuntu 16.10 and up).
 * rpm: jq-devel (Fedora, EPEL)
 * csw: libjq_dev (Solaris)
 * brew: jq (OSX)
If  is already installed set INCLUDE_DIR and LIB_DIR manually via:
R CMD INSTALL --configure-vars='INCLUDE_DIR=... LIB_DIR=...'
ERROR: configuration failed for package ‘jqr’
* removing ‘/home/localroot/R/x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu-library/4.0/jqr’

The downloaded source packages are in
Warning message:
In install.packages("jqr") :
  installation of package ‘jqr’ had non-zero exit status

so I look for the jq-devel installation for the centOS8 but seams like it not exist (I found it only for centOS7). Can you help me with this issue? It's very important because is for an Accademic Dashboard we are using to study the spread of the covid19.

Thank you

sckott commented 3 years ago

thanks for the issue - related issue #77

I did find this and for a few other architectures on centos 8 - do any of those work?

GGerProg commented 3 years ago

Hi sckott, thanks for your answer. My problem is with jq-devel, not with jq. Do you know if there is a way to install it on centOS8?

sckott commented 3 years ago

don't know of any for jq-devel for centos8