ropensci / neotoma

Programmatic R interface to the Neotoma Paleoecological Database.
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docs for get_dataset out of date #235

Open psmits opened 5 years ago

psmits commented 5 years ago

Hi. The documentation for get_dataset lists "mollusks" as a valid datasettype argument. When this option is given, the function returns an error. Many of the options listed in the error are not listed in the documentation, and some of the other options currently in the docs are not listed as valid options.


p_load(tidyverse, neotoma, reprex)

test <- get_dataset(datasettype = 'mollusks')
#> Error in param_check(cl): datasettype must be one of: 
#> * geochronologic
#> * loss-on-ignition
#> * pollen
#> * plant macrofossil
#> * vertebrate fauna
#> * macroinvertebrate
#> * pollen surface sample
#> * insect
#> * ostracode
#> * water chemistry
#> * diatom
#> * ostracode surface sample
#> * diatom surface sample
#> * geochemistry
#> * physical sedimentology
#> * charcoal
#> * testate amoebae
#> * X-ray fluorescence (XRF)
#> * X-ray diffraction (XRD)
#> * energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS/EDX)
#> * biomarker
#> * modern plant biomarker
#> * phytolith
#> * specimen stable isotope
#> * paleomagnetic
#> * biochemistry
#> * modern biochemistry
#> * organic carbon
#> * insect modern
#> * chironomid
#> * stable isotope
#> * testate amoebae surface sample
#> * charcoal surface sample
#> * cladocera

Created on 2019-03-08 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

jessicablois commented 5 years ago

Not sure if this should be a new/separate issue, but it falls under the general heading of "docs for get_dataset" are out of date. In the help page for get_dataset, Arguments section, x is described as "An optional value, either a numeric site ID or object of class download, download_list or site.". But I believe just setting x = some number queries for DatasetID, not Site ID.