ropensci / neotoma

Programmatic R interface to the Neotoma Paleoecological Database.
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get.contacts doesn't work #3

Closed karthik closed 11 years ago

karthik commented 11 years ago

These are just the function examples. You should check that an object is of class data.frame before melting it.

> #  To find all data contributors who are active:
> active.cont <- get.contacts(contactstatus = 'active')
Error in get.contacts(contactstatus = "active") : 
  The contactstatus must be a character string.
> # To find all data contributors who have the last name "Smith"
> smith.cont <- get.contacts(familyname = 'Smith')
The API call was successful, you have returned  28 records.
Error in UseMethod("melt", data) : 
  no applicable method for 'melt' applied to an object of class "data.frame"
Calls: get.contacts ... withCallingHandlers -> cast -> eval -> melt -> melt.list -> lapply -> FUN
SimonGoring commented 11 years ago

Okay, I'll take a look to see what is going on.

sckott commented 11 years ago

@SimonGoring is this fixed now? if so, let's close it

SimonGoring commented 11 years ago

Fixed and merged. THanks for your help!