ropensci / neurobio

R clients for open neurobiology data
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neurophysiology data sources #6

Open sje30 opened 9 years ago

sje30 commented 9 years ago

Hi, just found out about this group (thanks to Ben Marwick).

I have a couple of projects, with papers: (paper about to appear) (data on github too)

sje30 commented 9 years ago

A colleague of mine, Christophe Pouzat, is also very active in this area. e.g.

sckott commented 9 years ago

@sje30 Thanks for these links! I'll take a look at them. It's great to have names of people in the field as well to really get a sense for what the needs are.

sje30 commented 9 years ago

This one has some data, but is mostly a package of R code.