Open all-the-way-down-turtles opened 1 year ago
Hi, I still haven't solved the genSA problem. The algorithm never comes to an end.
However, if someone also has problems adapting the code of the vignette to genAlg: to save the results of genAlg, the code should be without the enframe argument.
setsim(nl, "simoutput") <- results saveRDS(nl, file.path(nl@experiment@outpath, "genAlg.rds"))
Hi, I tried to follow the Optimization vignette, but the genSA procedure has been running for two weeks now, although I tried to set the control parameter
control=list(maxit = 10)
for testing. The genAlg procedure did work, but I am not able to save the results of the procedure. I atttached it to the nl object and tried to save it as suggested in the vignette.I am running the script from bash, since it kept crashing otherwise and I get this error:
Can someone help me how to save the results?