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OAI-PMH R client
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Newbie questions / ResumptionTokens #60

Closed silviaegt closed 3 years ago

silviaegt commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry to ask these questions, since they might have obvious answers, but I couldn't find anyone's code using this library (which is how I normally learn how to use a package). So here it goes:

I'm trying to parse this the Dublin Core from this OAI-PMH Request URL I would like to have it as tibble (which includes the results from of the resumptionTokens) is there a way to do this with this client?

sckott commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your question! I'll have a look

sckott commented 3 years ago
url <- ""
x <- list_records(url)
#> # A tibble: 1,032 x 76
#>    identifier datestamp setSpec title creator subject subject.1 description publisher date  type  type.1 format
#>    <chr>      <chr>     <chr>   <chr> <chr>   <chr>   <chr>     <chr>       <chr>     <chr> <chr> <chr>  <chr>
#>  1 oai:colec… 2019-12-… 2       "Jor… "Red D… "Alfab… Educación "Memorias … Red Dist… 2012  Conf… Confe… pdf
#>  2 oai:colec… 2019-12-… 6       "Pal… "Red D… "Cróni… NA        "Contiene … Red Dist… 2015  Libr… Libros pdf
#>  3 oai:colec… 2019-12-… 1       "Pal… "Red D… "Promo… Promoció… "Selección… Red Dist… 2015  Libr… Libros pdf
#>  4 oai:colec… 2019-12-… 1       "Cuc… "Red D… "Promo… Promoció… "Incluye l… Red Dist… 2015  Libr… Libros text
#>  5 oai:colec… 2019-12-… 2       "Con… "Red D… "Arte"  NA        "Compilaci… Red Dist… 2015  Libr… Libros pdf
#>  6 oai:colec… 2019-12-… 2       "Man… "Red D… "Promo… NA        "Describe … Red Dist… 2010  Manu… Manua… pdf
#>  7 oai:colec… 2019-11-… 2       "Mem… "Red D… "Bibli… Cooperac… "Incluye l… Red Dist… 2012  Conf… Confe… pdf
#>  8 oai:colec… 2019-11-… 2       "Ten… "Red D… "Biblo… Cooperac… "Incluye l… Red Dist… 2012  Conf… Confe… text
#>  9 oai:colec… 2019-11-… 1       "Pri… "Red D… "Cuent… Concurso  "Contiene … Red Dist… 2013  Libr… Libros pdf
#> 10 oai:colec… 2019-11-… 6       "Lib… "Red D… "Promo… Promoció… "Muestra l… Red Dist… 2012  Libr… Libros pdf
#> # … with 1,022 more rows, and 63 more variables: identifier.4 <chr>, identifier.1 <chr>, identifier.2 <chr>,
#> #   identifier.3 <chr>, language <chr>, rights <chr>, subject.2 <chr>, subject.3 <chr>, subject.4 <chr>,
#> #   subject.5 <chr>, subject.6 <chr>, contributor <chr>, subject.7 <chr>, subject.8 <chr>, contributor.1 <chr>,
#> #   contributor.2 <chr>, contributor.3 <chr>, identifier.5 <chr>, creator.1 <chr>, creator.2 <chr>, creator.3 <chr>,
#> #   creator.4 <chr>, creator.5 <chr>, creator.6 <chr>, creator.7 <chr>, creator.8 <chr>, identifier.8 <chr>,
#> #   identifier.6 <chr>, identifier.7 <chr>, source <chr>, language.1 <chr>, contributor.4 <chr>, contributor.5 <chr>,
#> #   contributor.6 <chr>, contributor.7 <chr>, contributor.8 <chr>, contributor.9 <chr>, contributor.10 <chr>,
#> #   relation <chr>, coverage <chr>, publisher.1 <chr>, contributor.11 <chr>, contributor.12 <chr>,
#> #   contributor.13 <chr>, contributor.14 <chr>, contributor.15 <chr>, contributor.16 <chr>, contributor.17 <chr>,
#> #   contributor.18 <chr>, contributor.19 <chr>, contributor.20 <chr>, contributor.21 <chr>, contributor.22 <chr>,
#> #   contributor.23 <chr>, contributor.24 <chr>, contributor.25 <chr>, contributor.26 <chr>, contributor.27 <chr>,
#> #   contributor.28 <chr>, contributor.29 <chr>, contributor.30 <chr>, contributor.31 <chr>, creator.9 <chr>