ropensci / openalexR

Getting bibliographic records from OpenAlex
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openAlex location info #149

Closed yhan818 closed 1 year ago

yhan818 commented 1 year ago

Currently openAlexR only provides location info for DOI and PubMed only.

OpenAlex original data has more location info. For example,

This information is important for an institution to evaluate its scholarly publishing efforts. There are other uses of this data.

Can this feature to be developed?

Thank you,

trangdata commented 1 year ago

We have unpacked a lot of these fields (slightly different names) in the dataframe output, but if you need more extensive results, you can set output = "list" which will return a nested list of all fields.

w <- oa_fetch(identifier = "W2985709543")
w[c("is_oa", "pdf_url", "host_organization", "url")]
#> # A tibble: 1 × 4
#>   is_oa pdf_url host_organization url                              
#>   <lgl> <lgl>   <chr>             <chr>                            
#> 1 FALSE NA      Wiley-Blackwell

Created on 2023-08-18 with reprex v2.0.2