ropensci / openalexR

Getting bibliographic records from OpenAlex
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Solved issue with count.only=TRUE #192

Closed massimoaria closed 8 months ago

massimoaria commented 8 months ago

Solved this issue:

devtools::build_readme() returns an error.

ℹ Installing openalexR in temporary library ℹ Building /Users/massimoaria/Rpackages/openalexR/README.Rmd

Quitting from lines 190-203 [unnamed-chunk-12] (README.Rmd) Error in item$last_known_institution : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors Error: ! in callr subprocess. Caused by error in item$last_known_institution: ! $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors ℹ See $stdout for standard output. Type .Last.error to see the more details. We are not able to build readme because the following lines don't work:

my_arguments <- list( entity = "authors", = "I71267560", works_count = ">499" ), c(my_arguments, list(count_only = TRUE)))

The issue appears only when you set count_only = TRUE