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A wrapper function for search? #287

Open trangdata opened 1 week ago

trangdata commented 1 week ago

I recently received a question about search and realized that the user would have to learn about more advanced arguments like pages and options to do a simple search. A helper functions would make it easier and feel less advanced. But perhaps we should first start with a search vignette? What do you think @massimoaria @yjunechoe?

Suppose the user want to search for any publications with links between BRAF and melanoma. oa_fetch(search = "BRAF and melanoma", verbose = TRUE) would take too long (54710 records total). Often we just want the top, say, 100 results (ranked based on relevance or citation count). So, we would have to do:

  search = "BRAF and melanoma", 
  pages = 1,
  per_page = 100,
  # options = list(sort = "cited_by_count:desc"),
  verbose = TRUE

The corresponding pubmed search is

result <- rentrez::entrez_search(db = "pubmed", term = "BRAF and melanoma", retmax = 100)
yjunechoe commented 1 week ago

Always down to have for more vignettes, time and resource permitting :)

On a wrapper function, would you imagine something like a oa_search() that wraps oa_fetch() with options relevant to searching promoted as function arguments?

trangdata commented 1 week ago

Yes that's what I was thinking.