ropensci / osmplotr

Data visualisation using OpenStreetMap objects
132 stars 21 forks source link

Action needed before 2023-01-25: update osmplotr's dependencies as it cannot be built #60

Closed maelle closed 5 months ago

maelle commented 5 months ago

:wave: @mpadge!

Your osmplotr package cannot be built on R-universe as it depends on the deprecated spatial package rgeos. See for instance this write up by Jakub Nowosad to understand the changes in the R spatial ecosystem. :world_map:

Please indicate us before January, the 25th whether you intend to update your package. If not, we will archive osmplotr* and remove it from rOpenSci registry. You do not need to make changes before January, the 25th; but you do need to drop us a line before then.

You can find help, among other places, in our Slack's workspace "spatial" and "package-maintenance" channels.

Thank you! :pray:

*: We can unarchive the repository and transfer it to your own account, at your request. We won't shred it. :smile_cat:


maelle commented 5 months ago

Reminder sent per email.

mpadge commented 5 months ago

Thanks, and yes, i intend to update this package before that date. I'll let you know here when that's been done

mpadge commented 5 months ago

rgeos dep removed :+1:

maelle commented 5 months ago

:tada: Thank you!

mpadge commented 5 months ago

Thanks for pushing that - been meaning to do that for (obviously ...) a long time