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Easier power calculations #14

Open SaskiaFreytag opened 5 years ago

SaskiaFreytag commented 5 years ago

It would be great to just provide a fitted model of a pilot and its data and one could get a power analysis back.

Lingtax commented 5 years ago

Are you meaning like a monte carlo power analysis based on the observed effects? Do we need to be wary of using pilots for that? My understanding is that this might lead to underpowered designs.

SaskiaFreytag commented 5 years ago

No I mean a way simpler analysis, where you fit a model of some pilot data and then feed it into a power calculator with little frills. I have not thought about the issues around the use of pilots. While I understand that there may be problems with the use of pilots, I think there is currently no alternative for at least controlled animal experiments but the use of pilots.

Lingtax commented 5 years ago

I think I am misunderstanding your process a little.

I've built a shiny dashboard around the pwr package for psych studies are you thinking something that might do something similar, but with different inputs?

SaskiaFreytag commented 5 years ago

I think the input to a power calculation should just be the model fit. eg.

mod<- lm(y~x1+x2,data=dat) our.power.function(mod,"x1",a=0.05,pow=0.8)

you need 15 samples

Lingtax commented 5 years ago

And this is where x1 and x2 are factors I presume? I think I can see how we can do this, leveraging pwr still. 😄

Mostly for discussion's sake, in psych the movement now is drifting from pilots for effect size estimation to anchoring power on something closer to Minimal Important Difference.

fsingletonthorn commented 5 years ago

My PhD thesis is on this! Happy to chat about this issue. See the attached document for a (as yet not properly proof read) paper on the implications of different methods of power analysis / effect size selection. It's basically the "Why did no one explain the necessary-conceptual-starting-points for power analysis in way I could understand before I started writing a PhD on power analysis" type paper / chapter. Approaches to formal sample size determination.docx

SaskiaFreytag commented 5 years ago

That is really cool, thanks for sharing. However, I still think that it very much depends on your field of research whether alternative approaches to a power analysis (i.e. minimum effect size that we care about) are practical. When you consider animal experiments this minimum effect size might just not be known/ or very small and in this case using estimates from pilot studies seem legitimate.

SaskiaFreytag commented 5 years ago

Also I just saw that you discuss that very nicely.

fsingletonthorn commented 5 years ago

Thanks! There's no easy solution I think. But I'd be more than happy to work on tools for making sample size determination / effect size estimation easier & more intuitive. The idea that I've been thinking about for the last few years or so is making a general purpose package for power analysis through simulation ~ there are one or two specific packages that I know about, but nothing particularly general / where you could do some more idiosyncratic analyses with known assumption violations. It's a big project though and making it any easier than what is already available is difficult. The biggest thing would be to build a SEM diagram / DAG UI for specifying the data generating process, but that's well beyond my abilities at this point.

fsingletonthorn commented 5 years ago

The other thing that we could plausibly build using model objects would be a package to perform assurance-style power analysis using a prior distribution based on the observed data w/ a flat prior,i.e., estimate the probability that they will get statistically significant effect given the observed data. Which, I think, is what people might sort of think they get when they do a power analysis on pilot data.

egouldo commented 5 years ago

Just wanted to share these two examples from ecological modelling applications. They're bespoke approaches, but there might be some useful bits in there.

  1. Thomas et al. (2018) A field ecologist's adventures in the virtual world: using simulations to design data collection for complex models. Ecological Applications. A "virtual ecologist simulation" approach to designing field-work studies, also has a GitHub repo of the code:
  2. Laubmeier et al. (2018) From theory to experimental design— Quantifying a trait-based theory of predator- prey dynamics. PLOSone. Paper looks at how to optimally design the experiment to best test the validity of some ecological theory
tslumley commented 5 years ago

Also, have a look at Peter Green's SIMR package, which does power for GLMMs.