ropensci / ozunconf18

repository for the rOpenSci ozunconference 2018
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self-portrait R functions 👩‍🎨 #20

Open goldingn opened 5 years ago

goldingn commented 5 years ago

This one's a bit left-field; it's a self-reflective art project.

Recently, @softloud tweeted:

which got a lot of love and entertaining responses on twitter.

I didn't join in as I couldn't think of a function that represented me (and all the good jokes were taken by the time I got there), but thought for a while how I would go about writing one.

This project would be about generating multimedia art pieces in R, each piece of art being viewed by calling a function, gallery notes stored as documentation, and the art gallery being a package.

This feels like a timely thing, because the unconf is being held in the new Arts building at unimelb, and because the R community is probably the most cohesive and supportive, honest and self-reflective, and imaginative professional communities. We all inject our creativity into our R project in various ways, but rarely as a pure exercise in self-expression.

I can imagine the team (collective?) working on this would share ideas and code, but ultimately write their own function/functions, and they could all be combined together. What is in each of those functions would be entirely up to the creator, they could be static images, audio, animations, random text, some algorithm.

The level of technical difficulty of this project would be entirely up to each person, but I imagine this will be challenging in terms of thinking about how to express oneself via a new medium, and possibly emotionally difficult, depending on the subject matter!