ropensci / ozunconf18

repository for the rOpenSci ozunconference 2018
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Visualising flows #23

Open danwwilson opened 5 years ago

danwwilson commented 5 years ago

It would be great to either build or enhance a package that helps with clearly visualising flows of sequences. There are existing packages like ggalluvial or a simple sankey package, but it would be great if there were some better ways to be able to include visualisation for churn.

RPanczak commented 5 years ago

@danwwilson have you tinkered with circos family? circlize 📦 is probably best documented (with article & book). Also available are RCircos 📦 (article) and shinyCircos (app, article).

danwwilson commented 5 years ago

I have tinkered, but the circos family only look at two step flows, whereas I'm often wanting to look at longer term interactions. I.e. What was step 4 when step 1 was action A. So far all the sankey packages that visualise tidy easily or well are interactive, rather than creating a ggplot object. It could be that these packages already exist, and it's a case of having more specific documentation examples (#19).

JesseVent commented 5 years ago

Have you had a chance to look at any of the bupaR suite of packages or the processanimateR package? They have some really powerful tools for visualising trace sequences/different events and have pretty amazing documentation and vignettes available.

I use them for analysing and visualising customer pathways and workflows.

mrjoh3 commented 5 years ago

@JesseVent I just had a quick look at processannimateR. It is very impressive. It also looks like it can send visuals and animations to leaflet maps.

I am wondering if this issue could be dealt with in a similar way to #18 ? The data structures are likely similar apart from the spatial element.

RPanczak commented 5 years ago

Definitely some convergence with #18!