ropensci / ozunconf18

repository for the rOpenSci ozunconference 2018
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Recipe making AI #27

Open danwwilson opened 5 years ago

danwwilson commented 5 years ago

Just an idea at this point but I wonder if there could be a way to develop an AI that could make recipes. Something uses a recipe bank to understand ingredient commonalities etc and can make a ‘new’ recipe.

The extension would be a Twitter bot you ask for a recipe based on key flavours, cuisines or similar.

Further to this it could then be extended into a ‘spotify’esque recipe list...

No surprises that this came to me while prepping dinner tonight.

jesse-jesse commented 5 years ago

Or maybe it finds you a recipe based on the ingredients you have in your cupboard

danwwilson commented 5 years ago

It could all go horribly wrong