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BNF grammar spec for R language #28

Open coolbutuseless opened 4 years ago

coolbutuseless commented 4 years ago

The grammar specification for the R language is defined in src/main/gram.y but it's a bit awkward.

This gram.y can probably be converted to BNF format and made available as a package in this format.

Why would you want BNF grammar for R:

Related links:

This Package might already do everything I want:

Extracting bnf from a .y file:

Generate syntactically valid code from a bnf:

Use the grammar to generate code for generative art:

Creating a parser for R code:

The Oracle/Graal/FastR project which may include a more usable grammar definition:

An alternate parser for R (7 years since last commit):

coolbutuseless commented 4 years ago

subtasks + side projects:

kcf-jackson commented 4 years ago

@coolbutuseless Hi, I had a failed attempt trying to manually write down the BNF for R earlier this year, and I hope it is useful to share my result here. The file (attached below) is written to be fed into the nearley.js parser, which parses BNF specifications. The file follows gram.y quite closely, but it has made the operator precedence explicit. (At the moment, it does not handle the "Dangling else" situation, but can be modified to make it work.)

I think R uses some post-processing to resolve ambiguity, and I find it hard to incorporate that into the BNF specification. The shape-of-code link you provided also contains similar arguments. So would the goal be a BNF spec that is 100% compatible with gram.y ? or more like as high as possible, but allowing the possibility to differ from the current grammar?

Main -> prog

# LEXER ===================================================================================================================
const moo = require("moo");
const lexer = moo.compile({
  num:  /(?:\d+(?:[.]\d+)?|(?:[.]\d+))(?:[eE][+-]?\d+)?/,
  id:  {
      match: /(?:[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9._]*)|(?:[.][a-zA-Z._][a-zA-Z0-9._]*)|[.]/,
      type: moo.keywords({
        NULL_CONST: 'NULL',
        NUM_CONST: [
          'NA', 'Inf', 'NaN',
          'NA_integer_', 'NA_real_', 'NA_character_', 'NA_complex_'
        BOOL:     ['TRUE', 'FALSE'],
        FUNCTION: 'function',
        WHILE:    'while',
        REPEAT:   'repeat',
        FOR:      'for',
        IF:       'if',
        IN:       'in',
        ELSE:     'else',
        NEXT:     'next',
        BREAK:    'break'
  char:  /(?:"(?:[^\\"]|\\"|\\)*")|(?:'(?:[^\\']|\\'|\\)*')/,
  quote: /(?:`.*`)/,

  special:   /%[^%]*%/,
  nsGetInt:  ":::",
  nsGet:     "::",
  seq:       ":",
  lbb:       "[[",
  dollar:    "$",
  at:        "@",
  power:     "^",
  times:     "*",
  divide:    "/",
  tilda:     "~",
  question:  "?",
  leftAssign2:  "<<-",
  leftAssign:   "<-",
  rightAssign2: "->>",
  rightAssign:  "->",
  or2:       "||",
  or:        "|",
  and2:      "&&",
  and:       "&",
  le:        "<=",
  lt:        "<",
  ge:        ">=",
  gt:        ">",
  eq:        "==",
  neq:       "!=",
  eqAssign:  "=",
  not:       "!",
  minus:     "-",
  plus:      "+",

  lrparen:  "(",
  rrparen:  ")",
  lsparen:  '[',
  rsparen:  ']',
  lcparen:  '{',
  rcparen:  '}',
  semicolon: ";",
  comma:     ",",

  newline: {match: "\n", lineBreaks: true},
  ws:      {match: /\s/, lineBreaks: true}

@lexer lexer

# AST ====================================================================================================================
function exprlistAST(x) {
  var [[lhs, token, rhs]] = x;
  token.list = flatten(token.list);
  return token;

function formlistAST(x) {
  return (x === null ? {type: "null", value: "NULL"} : flatten(x));

const sublistAST = formlistAST;

function opAST(d) {
  return {type: "operator", op: d[0].value};

function binaryOpAST(lhs, op, rhs) {
  return {type: "binary_operation", lhs: lhs, operator: op, rhs: rhs}

function unaryOpAST(operator, operand) {
  return {type: "unary_operation", operator: operator, operand: operand}

function debug(x) {
  return x;

function eqAST(sym, val) {
  return {type: "assignment", variable: sym, value: val};

// Helper functions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function flatten(arr) {
  // Reference:
  return arr.reduce(function (flat, toFlatten) {
    return flat.concat(Array.isArray(toFlatten) ? flatten(toFlatten) : toFlatten);
  }, []);

# Main ====================================================================================================================

# Structures based on `expr_or_assign` / `expr` ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

prog ->
  NEWLINE                                {% id %}
| (expr_or_assign _ NEWLINE)             {% ([[token, s1, s2]]) => token %}
| (expr_or_assign _ SEMICOLON)           {% ([[token, s1, s2]]) => token %}

exprlist ->
  expr_or_assign                         {% d => ({type: "exprlist", list: [ d[0] ] }) %}
| (exprlist _ SEMICOLON expr_or_assign)  {% ([[expr_ls, s1, s2, el]]) => ({type: "exprlist", list: [expr_ls.list, el]}) %}
| (exprlist _ SEMICOLON)                 {% ([[expr_ls, s1, s2]]) => expr_ls %}
| (exprlist _ NEWLINE expr_or_assign)    {% ([[expr_ls, s1, s2, el]]) => ({type: "exprlist", list: [expr_ls.list, el]}) %}
| (exprlist _ NEWLINE)                   {% ([[expr_ls, s1, s2]]) => expr_ls %}

expr_or_assign ->  (expr | equal_assign) {% ([[d]]) => d %}

equal_assign   ->  (expr _ EQ_ASSIGN _ expr_or_assign)  {% ([[lhs, s1, op, s2, rhs]]) => eqAST(lhs, rhs) %}

cond    -> (LR expr RR)                  {% ([[lhs, token, rhs]]) => token %}

ifcond  -> (LR expr RR)                  {% ([[lhs, token, rhs]]) => token %}

forcond -> (LR _ SYMBOL __ IN __ expr _ RR)  {% ([[s1, s2, sym, s4, s5, s6, expr, s7, s8]]) =>
                                                  ({type: "for_cond", sym: sym, expr: expr}) %}

sublist ->
   sub                                   {% d => d %}
|  sublist _ %comma _ sub                {% ([lst, s2, s3, s4, el]) => ([lst, el]) %}

sub ->
   expr                                  {% id %}
|  (SYMBOL _ EQ_ASSIGN)                  {% ([[sym, s1, eq]]) => eqAST(sym, null) %}
|  (SYMBOL _ EQ_ASSIGN _ expr)           {% ([[sym, s1, eq, s2, value]]) => eqAST(sym, value) %}
|  (STR_CONST _ EQ_ASSIGN)               {% ([[sym, s1, eq]]) => eqAST(sym, null) %}
|  (STR_CONST _ EQ_ASSIGN _ expr)        {% ([[sym, s1, eq, s2, value]]) => eqAST(sym, value) %}
|  (NULL_CONST _ EQ_ASSIGN)              {% ([[sym, s1, eq]]) => eqAST(sym, null) %}
|  (NULL_CONST _ EQ_ASSIGN _ expr)       {% ([[sym, s1, eq, s2, value]]) => eqAST(sym, value) %}

# formlist is used only in function definition
formlist ->
   SYMBOL                                {% d => d %}
|  (SYMBOL _ EQ_ASSIGN _ expr)           {% ([[sym, s1, eq, s2, value]]) => [eqAST(sym, value)] %}
|  (formlist _ %comma _ SYMBOL)          {% ([[lst, s2, s3, s4, el]]) => ([lst, el]) %}
|  (formlist _ %comma _ SYMBOL _ EQ_ASSIGN _ expr)  {% ([[lst, s2, s3, s4, sym, s6, eq, s8, value]]) => ([lst, eqAST(sym, value)]) %}

# Expression --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

expr -> token_18                         {% id %}

# Operator Precedence climbing
token_18 ->
  (token_16 _ QUESTION _ token_16)       {% ([[lhs, s1, op, s2, rhs]]) => binaryOpAST(lhs, op, rhs) %}
| (QUESTION _ token_16)                  {% ([[op, _, token]]) => unaryOpAST(op, token) %}
| token_16                               {% id %}

token_16 ->
  (token_15 _ LEFT_ASSIGN _ token_16)    {% ([[lhs, s1, op, s2, rhs]]) => binaryOpAST(lhs, op, rhs) %}
|  token_15                              {% id %}

token_15 ->
  (token_15 _ RIGHT_ASSIGN _ token_14)   {% ([[lhs, s1, op, s2, rhs]]) => binaryOpAST(lhs, op, rhs) %}
|  token_14                              {% id %}

token_14 ->
  (token_14 _ TILDA _ token_13)          {% ([[lhs, s1, op, s2, rhs]]) => binaryOpAST(lhs, op, rhs) %}
| (TILDA _ token_13)                     {% ([[op, _, token]]) => unaryOpAST(op, token) %}
|  token_13                              {% id %}

token_13 ->
  (token_13 _ (OR | OR2) _ token_12)     {% ([[lhs, s1, [op], s2, rhs]]) => binaryOpAST(lhs, op, rhs) %}
|  token_12                              {% id %}

token_12 ->
  (token_12 _ (AND | AND2) _ token_11)   {% ([[lhs, s1, [op], s2, rhs]]) => binaryOpAST(lhs, op, rhs) %}
|  token_11                              {% id %}

token_11 ->
   (NOT _ token_10)                      {% ([[op, _, token]]) => unaryOpAST(op, token) %}
|  token_10                              {% id %}

token_10 ->
  (token_9 _ (LT | GT | LE | GE | EQ | NEQ) _ token_9)  {% ([[lhs, s1, [op], s2, rhs]]) => binaryOpAST(lhs, op, rhs) %}
|  token_9                               {% id %}

token_9 ->
  (token_9 _ (PLUS | MINUS) _ token_8)   {% ([[lhs, s1, [op], s2, rhs]]) => binaryOpAST(lhs, op, rhs) %}
|  token_8                               {% id %}

token_8 ->
  (token_8 _ (TIMES | DIVIDE) _ token_7) {% ([[lhs, s1, [op], s2, rhs]]) => binaryOpAST(lhs, op, rhs) %}
|  token_7                               {% id %}

token_7 ->
  (token_7 _ SPECIAL _ token_6)          {% ([[lhs, s1, op, s2, rhs]]) => binaryOpAST(lhs, op, rhs) %}
|  token_6                               {% id %}

token_6 ->
  (token_6 _ SEQ _ token_5)              {% ([[lhs, s1, op, s2, rhs]]) => binaryOpAST(lhs, op, rhs) %}
|  token_5                               {% id %}

token_5 ->
   ((MINUS | PLUS) _ token_4)            {% ([[[op], _, token]]) => unaryOpAST(op, token) %}
|  token_4                               {% id %}

token_4 ->
  (token_2 _ POWER _ token_4)            {% ([[lhs, s1, op, s2, rhs]]) => binaryOpAST(lhs, op, rhs) %}
|  token_2                               {% id %}

token_2 ->
  (FUNCTION _ %lrparen _ %rrparen _ expr_or_assign)  {% ([[s1, s2, s3, args, s4, s5, body]]) =>
                                                         ({type: "function_definition", args: formlistAST(null), body: body}) %}
| (FUNCTION _ LR formlist RR _ expr_or_assign)       {% ([[s1, s2, s3, args, s4, s5, body]]) =>
                                                         ({type: "function_definition", args: formlistAST(args), body: body}) %}
| (IF _ ifcond _ expr_or_assign)                     {% ([[s1, s2, cond, s4, yes]]) =>
                                                         ({type: "if_statement", cond: cond, yes: yes, no: null}) %}
| (IF _ ifcond _ expr_or_assign _ ELSE _ expr_or_assign)  {% ([[s1, s2, cond, s4, yes, s5, s6, s7, no]]) =>
                                                              ({type: "if_statement", cond: cond, yes: yes, no: no}) %}
| (FOR _ forcond _ expr_or_assign)       {% ([[s1, s2, cond, s4, body]]) => ({ type: "for_loop", cond: cond, body: body }) %}
| (WHILE _ cond _ expr_or_assign)        {% ([[s1, s2, cond, s4, body]]) => ({ type: "while_loop", cond: cond, body: body }) %}
| (REPEAT _ expr_or_assign)              {% ([[s1, s2, body]]) => ({ type: "repeat_loop", body: body }) %}
| (bcns_expr _ %lrparen _ %rrparen)           {% ([[fun, s1, s2, args, s3]]) => ({ type: "function_call", fun: fun, args: sublistAST(null) }) %}
| (bcns_expr _ LR sublist RR)                 {% ([[fun, s1, s2, args, s3]]) => ({ type: "function_call", fun: fun, args: sublistAST(args) }) %}
| (bcns_expr _ %lbb _ %rsparen RS)            {% ([[sym, s1, s2, s_list, s4, s5]]) =>
                                             ({ type: "extract2_call", sym: sym, args: sublistAST([{type: "double", value: 1}]) }) %}
| (bcns_expr _ LBB sublist RS RS)             {% ([[sym, s1, s2, s_list, s4, s5]]) => ({ type: "extract2_call", sym: sym, args: sublistAST(s_list) }) %}
| (bcns_expr _ %lsparen _ %rsparen)           {% ([[sym, s1, s2, s_list, s4]]) => ({ type: "extract_call", sym: sym, args: sublistAST(null)}) %}
| (bcns_expr _ LS sublist RS)                 {% ([[sym, s1, s2, s_list, s4]]) => ({ type: "extract_call", sym: sym, args: sublistAST(s_list)}) %}
| (%lcparen _ %rcparen)                  {% d => ({type: "null", value: "NULL"}) %}
| (LC exprlist RC)                       {% exprlistAST %}
| (LR expr_or_assign RR)                 {% ([[lhs, token, rhs]]) => token %}
| token_0                                {% id %}

# bracketed compound or naked simple expression
bcns_expr ->
  (LR expr RR)                           {% ([[lr, token, rr]]) => token %}
| token_0                                {% id %}

token_0 ->
  (NUM_CONST | NUM | BOOL)               {% ([[d]]) => d %}
| STR_CONST                              {% id %}
| NULL_CONST                             {% id %}
| SYMBOL                                 {% id %}
| (SYMBOL _ NS_GET _ SYMBOL)             {% ([[e1, s1, op, s2, e2]]) => binaryOpAST(e1, op, e2) %}
| (SYMBOL _ NS_GET _ STR_CONST)          {% ([[e1, s1, op, s2, e2]]) => binaryOpAST(e1, op, e2) %}
| (STR_CONST _ NS_GET _ SYMBOL)          {% ([[e1, s1, op, s2, e2]]) => binaryOpAST(e1, op, e2) %}
| (STR_CONST _ NS_GET _ STR_CONST)       {% ([[e1, s1, op, s2, e2]]) => binaryOpAST(e1, op, e2) %}
| (SYMBOL _ NS_GET_INT _ SYMBOL)         {% ([[e1, s1, op, s2, e2]]) => binaryOpAST(e1, op, e2) %}
| (SYMBOL _ NS_GET_INT _ STR_CONST)      {% ([[e1, s1, op, s2, e2]]) => binaryOpAST(e1, op, e2) %}
| (STR_CONST _ NS_GET_INT _ SYMBOL)      {% ([[e1, s1, op, s2, e2]]) => binaryOpAST(e1, op, e2) %}
| (STR_CONST _ NS_GET_INT _ STR_CONST)   {% ([[e1, s1, op, s2, e2]]) => binaryOpAST(e1, op, e2) %}
| (expr _ DOLLAR _ SYMBOL)               {% ([[e1, s1, op, s2, e2]]) => binaryOpAST(e1, op, e2) %}
| (expr _ DOLLAR _ STR_CONST)            {% ([[e1, s1, op, s2, e2]]) => binaryOpAST(e1, op, e2) %}
| (expr _ AT _ SYMBOL)                   {% ([[e1, s1, op, s2, e2]]) => binaryOpAST(e1, op, e2) %}
| (expr _ AT _ STR_CONST)                {% ([[e1, s1, op, s2, e2]]) => binaryOpAST(e1, op, e2) %}
| NEXT                                   {% id %}
| BREAK                                  {% id %}

# Tokens ============================================================================

# Operators -------------------------------------------------------------------------
OP             ->  %OP              {% opAST %}
UOP            ->  %unaryOP         {% opAST %}
BOP            ->  %binaryOP        {% opAST %}
EQ_ASSIGN      ->  %eqAssign        {% opAST %}
NS_GET_INT     ->  %nsGetInt        {% opAST %}
NS_GET         ->  %nsGet           {% opAST %}
SEQ            ->  %seq             {% opAST %}
MINUS          ->  %minus           {% opAST %}
PLUS           ->  %plus            {% opAST %}
POWER          ->  %power           {% opAST %}
SPECIAL        ->  %special         {% opAST %}
TIMES          ->  %times           {% opAST %}
DIVIDE         ->  %divide          {% opAST %}
TILDA          ->  %tilda           {% opAST %}
QUESTION       ->  %question        {% opAST %}
LEFT_ASSIGN    ->  %leftAssign   {% opAST %} |  %leftAssign2   {% opAST %}
RIGHT_ASSIGN   ->  %rightAssign  {% opAST %} |  %rightAssign2  {% opAST %}
OR             ->  %or              {% opAST %}
OR2            ->  %or2             {% opAST %}
AND            ->  %and             {% opAST %}
AND2           ->  %and2            {% opAST %}
NOT            ->  %not             {% opAST %}
LT             ->  %lt              {% opAST %}
LE             ->  %le              {% opAST %}
GT             ->  %gt              {% opAST %}
GE             ->  %ge              {% opAST %}
EQ             ->  %eq              {% opAST %}
NEQ            ->  %neq             {% opAST %}
DOLLAR         ->  %dollar          {% opAST %}
AT             ->  %at              {% opAST %}

# Parenthesis
LR             ->  %lrparen _       {% d => ({type: "parenthesis", value: "("}) %}
RR             ->  _ %rrparen       {% d => ({type: "parenthesis", value: ")"}) %}
LC             ->  %lcparen _       {% d => ({type: "parenthesis", value: "{"}) %}
RC             ->  _ %rcparen       {% d => ({type: "parenthesis", value: "}"}) %}
LS             ->  %lsparen _       {% d => ({type: "parenthesis", value: "["}) %}
RS             ->  _ %rsparen       {% d => ({type: "parenthesis", value: "]"}) %}
LBB            ->  %lbb _           {% d => ({type: "parenthesis", value: "[["}) %}

# Keywords
WHILE          ->  %WHILE
REPEAT         ->  %REPEAT
FOR            ->  %FOR
IF             ->  %IF
IN             ->  %IN
ELSE           ->  %ELSE
NEXT           ->  %NEXT            {% d => ({type: "next"})  %}
BREAK          ->  %BREAK           {% d => ({type: "break"}) %}

# Idenifiers, Numbers, Characters and Special symbols -------------------------------
SYMBOL         ->  %id              {% d => ({type: "symbol", value: d[0].value}) %}
NUM            ->  %num             {% d => ({type: "double", value: Number(d[0].value)}) %}
STR_CONST      ->  %char            {% d => ({type: "character", value: d[0].value}) %}
BOOL           ->  %BOOL            {% d => ({type: "boolean", value: d[0].value}) %}
NUM_CONST      ->  %NUM_CONST       {% d => ({type: "num_const", value: d[0].value}) %}
NULL_CONST     ->  %NULL_CONST      {% d => ({type: "null", value: d[0].value}) %}

# Primitives -----------------------------------------------------------------------
_ -> %ws:*                          {% d => d[0].map(x => x.value).join("") %}
__ -> %ws:+                         {% d => d[0].map(x => x.value).join("") %}
NEWLINE -> %newline _               {% d => ({type: "newline", value: "\n"}) %}
SEMICOLON -> %semicolon _           {% d => ({type: "semicolon", value: ";"}) %}
coolbutuseless commented 4 years ago

Hey @kcf-jackson thanks for the code!

My initial investigation agrees with yours - that the BNF cannot capture everything due to ambiguities. So for now, I don't think I'm going to attempt to get a complete BNF for R's grammar together - a limited subset will be sufficient for this experiment.

coolbutuseless commented 4 years ago

The repo for this project is at:

I hope to clear this up over the next week into a state that'll be good enough for someone to pick up and run with if they're keen.

Thanks for watching.

kcf-jackson commented 4 years ago

Just adding two more resources

  2. Page 9 of Evaluating the Design of the R Language contains a reduced list of syntax.