ropensci / patentsview

An R client to the PatentsView API
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Unexposed Fields - Coinventors #16

Open gonzalovizcardo opened 4 years ago

gonzalovizcardo commented 4 years ago

I believe this issue is similar to this one but for a different group:

When I run this I get the list of inventor and coinventor fields

get_fields(endpoint = "inventors", groups = c("coinventors", "inventors"))

But when I actually pass it into the searc_pv function it throws this error:

Error: Bad field(s): coinventor_city, coinventor_country, coinventor_first_name, coinventor_first_seen_date, coinventor_id, coinventor_last_name, coinventor_last_seen_date, coinventor_lastknown_city, coinventor_lastknown_country, coinventor_lastknown_latitude, coinventor_lastknown_location_id, coinventor_lastknown_longitude, coinventor_lastknown_state, coinventor_latitude, coinventor_location_id, coinventor_longitude, coinventor_num_patents_for_inventor, coinventor_total_num_patents, inventor_key_id

crew102 commented 4 years ago

You're probably using the patents endpoint when you should be using the inventors endpoint. Try this:

  query = '{"inventor_last_name": "Whitney"}',
  endpoint = "inventors",
  fields = get_fields("inventors", c("inventors", "coinventors"))