ropensci / patentsview

An R client to the PatentsView API
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api url change #22

Closed mustberuss closed 3 years ago

mustberuss commented 3 years ago

My guess in seems to be right. This stack overflow answer says that the body is not sent on a 301 redirect. With these api url changes the R code doing a post in works.

chottokun commented 3 years ago

I am trying to make a citation networks by reference to "".

However, there are some error which example code was run.

> # Look up which patents the relevant patents cite
> rel_pats_res <- search_pv(
+   query = list(patent_number = rel_pats$patent_number),
+   fields  .... [TRUNCATED] 
The _eq operator is a safer alternative to using field:value pairs or value arrays in your query
error : 'q' param is missing

Maybe it is because of the recent url change of the patentsview.