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Table of contents #4

Open ggrothendieck opened 1 year ago

ggrothendieck commented 1 year ago

The Table of Contents is not that useful. There are a lot of words and its hard to get through it. The table of contents on help(package = "mypackage") is much easier to deal with. I realize you are trying to have as few lines as possible but this seems to be at the expense of usability.

jeroen commented 1 year ago

How is help(package = "mypackage") easier? It has the same content?

jeroen commented 1 year ago

So comparing the different TOC styles:

Which format do you prefer? Or would you just to remove the TOC alltogether?

ggrothendieck commented 1 year ago

This is what I get for the TOC using postdoc on the zoo package except the numbers did not come through when I copied and pasted and the URLs are not shown but are just an artifact of copying and pasting. Suppose now I want to find rollapply. Good luck finding it. (Continued further below.)

[Replacing the Index of Objects](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#frequency)
[Convenience Functions for Plotting zoo Objects with ggplot2](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#ggplot2.zoo)
[Extracting/Replacing the Index of Objects](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#index)
[Check Regularity of a Series](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#is.regular)
[Lags and Differences of zoo Objects](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#lag.zoo)
[Make a List from a Parameter Specification](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#make.par.list)
[Value Matching](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#MATCH)
[Merge Two or More zoo Objects](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#merge.zoo)
[Replace NA by Aggregation](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#na.aggregate)
[Replace NA by Interpolation](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#na.approx)
[Fill NA or specified positions.](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#na.fill)
[Last Observation Carried Forward](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#na.locf)
[Fill NA or specified positions.](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#na.StructTS)
[Trim Leading/Trailing Missing Observations](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#na.trim)
[Ordering Permutation](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#ORDER)
[Plotting zoo Objects](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#plot.zoo)
[Reading and Writing zoo Series](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#read.zoo)
[Apply Rolling Functions](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#rollapply)
[Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#rollmean)
[Extract/Replacing the Time Windows of Objects](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#window.zoo)
Plot contiguous blocks along x axis.
[Plot zoo Series with Lattice](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#xyplot.zoo)
[An Index Class for Monthly Data](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#yearmon)
[An Index Class for Quarterly Data](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#yearqtr)
[Z's Ordered Observations](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#zoo)
[Regular zoo Series](file:///C:/Users/Louis/Downloads/tmp/zoo.html#zooreg)

Now here it is for help(package = "zoo", help = "text"). Now its easy to find.


MATCH                   Value Matching
ORDER                   Ordering Permutation
aggregate.zoo           Compute Summary Statistics of zoo Objects
as.zoo                  Coercion from and to zoo
coredata                Extracting/Replacing the Core Data of Objects
frequency<-             Replacing the Index of Objects
ggplot2.zoo             Convenience Functions for Plotting zoo Objects
                        with ggplot2
index                   Extracting/Replacing the Index of Objects
is.regular              Check Regularity of a Series
lag.zoo                 Lags and Differences of zoo Objects
make.par.list           Make a List from a Parameter Specification
merge.zoo               Merge Two or More zoo Objects
na.StructTS             Fill NA or specified positions.
na.aggregate            Replace NA by Aggregation
na.approx               Replace NA by Interpolation
na.fill                 Fill NA or specified positions.
na.locf                 Last Observation Carried Forward
na.trim                 Trim Leading/Trailing Missing Observations
plot.zoo                Plotting zoo Objects
read.zoo                Reading and Writing zoo Series
rollapply               Apply Rolling Functions
rollmean                Rolling Means/Maximums/Medians/Sums
window.zoo              Extract/Replacing the Time Windows of Objects
xblocks                 Plot contiguous blocks along x axis.
xyplot.zoo              Plot zoo Series with Lattice
yearmon                 An Index Class for Monthly Data
yearqtr                 An Index Class for Quarterly Data
zoo                     Z's Ordered Observations
zooreg                  Regular zoo Series