ropensci / rdatacite

Wrapper to DataCite metadata
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Is language as a filter, usable in dc_works() ? #17

Closed rossmounce closed 6 years ago

rossmounce commented 6 years ago

I couldn't work out how to do it.

Would like to recreate this search (for English language theses) with rdatacite:

sckott commented 6 years ago

thx @rossmounce

does this not do what you want:

dc_search(q = "resourceType:Thesis", fq='language_facet:"English"')
rossmounce commented 6 years ago

yes! thanks.

for some reason i thought I had to use dc_works not dc_search but that makes a lot more sense now.

The use case is really interesting btw (imo). There's a whole load of journal articles hiding out in full-text available theses. We just need more granular metadata to associate phd thesis X (DOI) with papers Y & Z (DOI,DOI), theses where the author has an orcid supplied even more helpful. Exploring...

sckott commented 6 years ago

Cool use case. Hmmm, hope you make some progress on that.