ropensci / rdatacite

Wrapper to DataCite metadata
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Maintenance status / help needed? #32

Open maelle opened 1 year ago

maelle commented 1 year ago

@bmkramer Do you still intend to become this package's maintainer?

If so do you need any help? For instance an aspect where you'd appreciate some tips, contributions, a PR review? Do you need an invitation to our friendly Slack workspace?

sckott commented 1 year ago

asked her via email today

bmkramer commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the radio silence :) I would still like to take over maintenance of the package, and will submit the requisite change to CRAN.
Thanks for the reminder!

sckott commented 1 year ago

Thanks @bmkramer - Even if you don't do much on this package, I'd appreciate it if you could submit a new version to CRAN soon changing the maintainer to you so that I don't get contacted anymore about this pkg. Thanks!

bmkramer commented 1 year ago

@sckott I'm working on it currently. A question this raised for me: the current CRAN version is 0.5.2, the current version on Github is What version number should I use for resubmitting to CRAN with the only change being the maintainer?

Thanks in advance , and apologies for the newbie question!

sckott commented 1 year ago

for version numbers on cran, i think there's no rule other than that the version has to be greater than the previous one. Having said that I usually only submit versions with three numbers, e.,g., 0.5.2. So if the current one on cran is 0.5.2, then you could submit 0.5.4.

bmkramer commented 1 year ago

Just a quick status update: I finally got everything ready for submission (including using virtual test environments) so will submit as soon as CRAN reopens (after Jan 5).

Apologies again for the delay - and happy new year! :sparkler:

sckott commented 1 year ago

nice! happy new year to you as well

maelle commented 1 year ago

Awesome news @bmkramer!

And happy new year!