ropensci / rdefra

rdefra: Interact with the UK AIR Pollution Database from DEFRA
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Test failure #13

Open maelle opened 2 years ago

maelle commented 2 years ago

:wave: @cvitolo!

As seen in via

Running the tests in 'tests/testthat.R' failed.
Last 13 lines of output:

  == Skipped tests ===============================================================
  * Call to ukair_get_hourly_data for 1 year failed! (1)
  * Call to ukair_get_hourly_data for 2 years failed! (1)

  == Failed tests ================================================================
  -- Failure (test-metadata.R:23:5): Find site identification number from the UK AIR ID string. --
  x == "ABD" is not TRUE

  `actual`:   <NA>
  `expected`: TRUE

  [ FAIL 1 | WARN 0 | SKIP 2 | PASS 11 ]
cvitolo commented 2 years ago

Hi @maelle , thanks for spotting this!

It seems the UK AIR web page no longer contains the SiteID, which affects the following functions:

As a workaround, the function ukair_get_site_id() is now searching the cached catalogue. However, a better solution is needed because the SiteID of new stations cannot be retrieved.

Will keep this issue open until a definitive solution is found.

maelle commented 5 months ago

I will archive this package as there's currently no maintainer, and it depends on retired packages. We could still unarchive it on request.