ropensci / rentrez

talk with NCBI entrez using R
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web_history and big queries #145

Open haruosuz opened 4 years ago

haruosuz commented 4 years ago While it is stated that 'When I wrote this that was a little over 200 000 SNPs', I have got the following messages:

> snp_search <- entrez_search(db="snp", 
+                             term="(Y[CHR] AND Homo[ORGN]) NOT 10001:2781479[CPOS]")
> snp_search
Entrez search result with 0 hits (object contains 0 IDs and no web_history object)
 Search term (as translated):  (Y[CHR] AND Homo[All Fields]) NOT 10001[CHRPOS] :  ... 

Attached are my R code and log file. Rcode.txt log.txt