ropensci / rentrez

talk with NCBI entrez using R
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Parse JSON error #29

Closed spfarris closed 9 years ago

spfarris commented 9 years ago

Keep receiving the following error when using the "entrez_summary"

Error in parseJSON(txt) : lexical error: invalid char in json text. gov.", "status": suppressed, "idgicl (right here) ------^

dwinter commented 9 years ago

Tanks for the report @spfarris,

In the short term, you can use entrez_summary(..., version="1.0") to get the 'old' records in xml.

As to the bug, fo you get this on all calls to entrez_summary? Even the ones in the help messages examples? If not, can you give me a specific query that does this.

Secondly, can you paste the results of sessionInfo() (or, if you have devtools installed session_info())

Thanks, and hope we can get this sorted.

dwinter commented 9 years ago

Hi @spfarris -- have you had a moment to check out the details above?

I'd really like to get the bottom of this bug and ensure it doesn't affect others.

dwinter commented 9 years ago

Closing this as un-reproducable.