Open emilianomm opened 2 weeks ago
PD: I have also created this minimum, but complete Shiny app with Shiny Assistant that have a skeleton for both cases. If there are someone brave enough to put a real JDBC connection and reproduce the error.
# Mock database connection function to simulate RJDBC behavior
mock_db_connection <- function() {
# Simulates creating a connection
Sys.sleep(0.1) # Simulate connection time
status = "connected",
timestamp = Sys.time()
# Mock query function to simulate dbGetQuery
mock_query <- function(conn, query) {
# Simulates querying data
Sys.sleep(0.2) # Simulate query time
id = 1:5,
value = sample(100:999, 5),
timestamp = Sys.time()
# Create mock connection
conx <- mock_db_connection()
ui <- page_fluid(
card_header("RJDBC Query Test Cases"),
p("This app demonstrates the difference between using database queries in observe() vs reactive()"),
actionButton("btn_observe", "Run Observe Example (Works)"),
actionButton("btn_reactive", "Run Reactive Example (Fails)"),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# Case 1: Works fine with observe()
# Simulate query execution
query <- "SELECT * FROM mock_table" # Mock query
tbl <- mock_query(conx, query)
output$observe_result <- renderPrint({
cat("Observe Example (Success):\n")
}, error = function(e) {
output$error_messages <- renderPrint({
cat("Error in observe:", conditionMessage(e), "\n")
# Case 2: Problematic with reactive()
problematic_data <- reactive({
# Simulate query execution
query <- "SELECT * FROM mock_table" # Mock query
# Simulate the issue by forcing an error in reactive context
if (TRUE) {
stop("Simulated RJDBC error: Connection cannot be established in reactive context")
mock_query(conx, query)
output$reactive_result <- renderPrint({
cat("Reactive Example (Should Fail):\n")
}, error = function(e) {
cat("Error in reactive:", conditionMessage(e), "\n")
shinyApp(ui, server)
Thanks for the issue, this likely will take some time to investigate, but from a purely functioning perspective, does using observe() achieve what you need ?
could you also post the generate_env.R please ?
Also what's the error message ?
Hi Bruno. You have a really cool work here. Sadly I wasn't able to easily adapt observe() to my use case (The key difference being that the reactive
has a return value and observe
simply execute some expr
). Here is the requested information, and really hope this helps on improving the package.
Error in .jcheck: Java Exception <no description because toString() failed>.jcall(class.loader,
"[Ljava/lang/String;", "getClassPath")new("jobjRef", jobj = <pointer: 0x8fe7992>, jclass = "java/lang/Throwable")
r_ver = "4.3.3",
r_pkgs = c(
system_pkgs = 'zulu21',
ide = "other",
project_path = ".",
overwrite = TRUE
thanks, I’ll look into it during this weekend likely
I know this is not the answer you are looking for, but could you use RODBC instead?
or DBI?
Hi! I've been recently trying out
and encountered the following issueContext
I'm working in a shiny app docker image and decided to give a try to
. Dependency management worked really well with minimum setup time, even for my project that has a considerable amount of dependencies.I'm using RJDBC to query against a remote dbms to render a few tables on the app. All worked fine, except calls to
when called inside a reactive expression.Examples
1. Would do fine
2. Would fail
Further Info
This is the dockerfile I used. Also tried with a very similar one using nixos/nix base docker image