ropensci / rnaturalearth

An R package to hold and facilitate interaction with natural earth map data :earth_africa:
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United States missing using geostationary satellite view projection only #107

Open TeresaPegan opened 5 months ago

TeresaPegan commented 5 months ago

Hello, I am using rnaturalearth for its polygons of the western hemisphere. I have typically used lambert equal area projections in the past, but I am trying to make an image using the Geostationary satellite view projection (+proj="geos"). When I do this, the United States is missing.

I am attaching reproducible code and images illustrating the issue. The "geos" projection shows the missing US polygon, while it is present in the version of the image made with the "laea" projection.

Thanks! -Teresa

library("tidyverse") # version 2.0.0
library("rnaturalearth") # version 1.0.1
library("rnaturalearthdata") # version 0.1.0
library("sf") # version 1.0-14

world <- ne_countries(continent = c("north america","south america"), scale = "medium", returnclass = "sf")
  worldGeos <- st_transform(world, crs="+proj=geos +h=35785831.0 +lat_0=45 +lon_0=-90.476194 +sweep=y")
  worldLaea <- st_transform(world, crs="+proj=laea +lat_0=-30 +lon_0=-90.476194 +x_0=4321000 +y_0=3210000 +ellps=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs")

  ggplot(data = worldGeos) +
    geom_sf(color = "lightgray", fill = "lightgray") +
    ggtitle("Geostationary Satellite View")

  ggplot(data = worldLaea) +
    geom_sf(color = "lightgray", fill = "lightgray") +
    ggtitle("Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area")


PMassicotte commented 4 months ago

I am also getting the same results. I am asking around for some pointer and I will get back to you.

PMassicotte commented 4 months ago

Does this work for you?

Basically, I am creating points regularly spaced over your area. Then, I project these points into your coord system and remove points that are out of view (NAs). Finally, I create a convex hull and use it to crop world before the projection.

#> Linking to GEOS 3.12.1, GDAL 3.8.3, PROJ 9.1.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE

proj <- "+proj=geos +h=35785831.0 +lat_0=45 +lon_0=-90.476194 +sweep=y"

world <- ne_countries(
  continent = c("north america", "south america"),
  scale = "medium",
  returnclass = "sf"

pts <- world |>
  # st_bbox() |>
  st_sample(size = 2e3, method = "regular") |>

ch <- pts[!st_is_empty(pts), drop = FALSE] |>
  s2_convex_hull() |>
  st_as_sf() |>

world2 <- world |>
#> Warning: attribute variables are assumed to be spatially constant throughout
#> all geometries

worldGeos <- st_transform(world2, crs = proj)

ggplot(data = worldGeos) +
  geom_sf(color = "lightgray", fill = "lightgray") +
  ggtitle("Geostationary Satellite View")

Created on 2024-02-12 with reprex v2.1.0

TeresaPegan commented 4 months ago

That does indeed work for me, thank you! I think it makes sense to leave the issue open for now, since the underlying bug remains?

PMassicotte commented 4 months ago

I am not sure if it is a bug of sf or the underlying implementation. Tagging @edzer just in case this is related to sf.

PMassicotte commented 4 months ago

Much simpler solution (credit to @mdsumner)

#> Linking to GEOS 3.12.1, GDAL 3.8.0, PROJ 9.2.0; sf_use_s2() is TRUE

world <- ne_countries(
  continent = c("north america", "south america"),
  scale = "medium",
  returnclass = "sf"

world <- st_cast(world, "POLYGON")
#> Warning in st_cast.sf(world, "POLYGON"): repeating attributes for all
#> sub-geometries for which they may not be constant

worldGeos <- st_transform(
  crs = "+proj=geos +h=35785831.0 +lat_0=45 +lon_0=-90.476194 +sweep=y"
ggplot(data = worldGeos) +
  geom_sf(color = "lightgray", fill = "lightgray") +
  ggtitle("Geostationary Satellite View")

Created on 2024-02-12 with reprex v2.1.0