ropensci / rnaturalearth

An R package to hold and facilitate interaction with natural earth map data :earth_africa:
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Norway and Kosovo do not have ISO3 codes assigned #72

Closed Nazliozum closed 1 year ago

Nazliozum commented 1 year ago

I recognized that in the countries dataset, Norway and Kosovo do not have ISO3 codes assigned despite being recognized in the ISO standard. I pull the data using the ne_countries() function.

mps9506 commented 1 year ago

You might want to try the ne_download() function to see if the ISO codes are updated to what you expect:

countries <- ne_download(scale = "medium", type = "countries", category = "cultural", returnclass = "sf")

If those ISO codes are not what you expected I would suggest raising the issue in with the data producer, Natural Earth, since this package only facilities accessing and downloading the data.

PMassicotte commented 1 year ago

This should be working with the updated version of rnaturalearthhighres. Thanks to @mps9506

countries <- ne_countries(scale = "large", type = "countries", country = "Norway", returnclass = "sf")