ropensci / rnoaa

R interface to many NOAA data APIs
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cran check failing on macos oldrel (R 3.6.2) #382

Closed sckott closed 3 years ago

sckott commented 3 years ago
checking tests ... [8s/16s] ERROR
  Running ‘testthat.R’ [8s/16s]
Running the tests in ‘tests/testthat.R’ failed.
Last 13 lines of output:
    4. └─rnoaa::ghcnd_search(...)
    5. └─rnoaa::ghcnd(stationid, refresh = refresh, ...)
    6. └─base::lapply(...)
    7. └─rnoaa:::FUN(X[[i]], ...)
    8. └─rnoaa:::ghcnd_GET(this_station, ...)
    9. ├─utils::write.csv(dat, fp, row.names = FALSE)
   10. │ └─base::eval.parent(Call)
   11. │ └─base::eval(expr, p)
   12. │ └─base::eval(expr, p)
   13. └─utils::write.table(...)
   14. └─base::file(file, ifelse(append, "a", "w"))

  [ FAIL 1 | WARN 4 | SKIP 63 | PASS 64 ]

However, I can not replicate this

just make sure all are skipped on cran